Does your BLOG have a BRAND?

I often wonder if blogs have a brand…And I am using “brand” in the most basic sense of the word – As really something which “truly distinguishes your blog” for others.. As  I mull more on this, I can’t help but think that every blog has a brand of its own.. So what are the key aspects which determine the brand of your blog

1) Your Blog Design
The first thing which anyone really observes when they visit your blog is the overall design – The most important parameters being the colors, template and layout, font style, font size and the overall menus. If you are a serious blogger, you absolutely need to get this right! If you can do something exclusive here, then good for you. If not, it should still be appealing to the general eye!

2) Your Blog “About You”
Again every brand has a “persona” and in the blogging world, your persona is what you say about yourself. You have the full freedom to paint the picture of yourself you want. The most important thing is to be honest, short and sweet & of course positive. If you can keen this section really “unique” and interesting, it will go a long way in enhancing your blog’s brand value. A picture of yourself is an absolute MUST!

3) Your Blog Content
“Content is King” and “Content is Queen” and “Content is everything” in the blog-o-sphere. So update your blog content regularly, keep it fresh, interesting and ensure that there is some take-away from every post of yours. Ultimately, your blog content is what creates, builds and maintains the brand image of your blog. And you got to continuously work on this as there is no dearth of content in the online world!

4) You
Again, every blog you publish has a part of you! Your thoughts, your emotions, your experiences, your imagination, your views, your opinions, your articulations, your perspectives, your analysis, you comprehension, your conclusions. There is a little and lot of the real YOU in your blogs. Your blog is eventually your baby – your creation. And your offline brand definitely influences the brand of your blog. NOTE: This is more relevant for well-known personalities / offline celebrities as they already have a strong brand image in the real world ; and some of it translates to the blogging world. For e.g.: Amitabh Bachchan’s Blog (Bollywood Actor and Superstar)

5) Everything else on your Blog
And then there is everything else you do on your blog which influences the brand image. The menus, pictures, videos, links, ads, etc etc etc

Nevertheless, branding is really about perceptions and how your readers perceive your blog is what makes all the difference. A little bit of thought, a dash of creativity, a pinch of positivity and of course, lots of dedication is what makes all the difference in the long run.

On that note, Happy Blogging

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