2015 | What I’ll be blogging about?

Happy New Year 2015.

At the outset, I’d like to say Thank you for reading my blog.

Regular readers of this blog know that I finished 5 years of blogging. And I still enjoy blogging – Hopefully I’ll survive the 7 year itch

So, what will I be blogging about in 2015 on this blog?

Well, the focus will be about / around areas close to my heart / work. So they will revolve around marketing, social / digital, leadership and of course, women at work.

How frequently will I post?

Once a week, Thursday 3 PM IST. Sometimes may be more

So will I be doing anything new / different?

Yes. In 2014, I experimented with the power of images and I’ve fallen in love with the power of the visual medium. So this year on my blog will be about rich media – either what I create on my own or what I find on the online.

Will I have any guest writers this year?

Yes, By invite only. I have the month-wise calendar and themes already planned, so I will be inviting specific people to write on my blog.

I hope you enjoy reading my blogs as much as I enjoy writing.

Happy New Year 2015 once again!


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