Want to conduct an online survey? Here is a list of free survey tools

In the last 6 months, I’ve had to conduct several online consumer surveys as a part of my professional responsibilities as a marketer. As I scanned through survey tools to identify this marketspace, I found several cool survey tools. In this post, I am sharing a round-up of free online survey tools:

Google Forms

Survey Monkey

Fluid Surveys

Kwik Surveys


Zoho Surveys

What tools have you used to create online surveys? Leave a comment to let me know


Columnist / Byline In : Economic Times | Huffingtonpost |  Wipro NewsCred Marketo | Finextra | Inc42 |  Business2Community |ProBlogger  | Famous Bloggers | TheNextWomen|Nasscom |  SheTheTVPeople | PaulWriter |  WomensWeb |  Sheroes PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com  | ParentousThe Change Blog | Women Inspiring Wednesdays
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Top Marketing Blogs in IndiaDirectory of Top Indian Blogs and Most Widely read Indian Bloggers,Directory of Best Indian BlogsAlltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) ,50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter (2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”

Social Media De-Addiction Anyone?

Let me start with a confession. I was a social media addict. I’m reformed today.

Why do I describe myself as a “social media addict”? For me, it started off with Blogs. At first, it was reading blogs. Then it was writing blogs. Then I moved to FaceBook. And then to Twitter. Briefly, Pinterest caught my fancy. At one time, infographics, videos and visuals were my muse. Because there have been times when I spent 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 hours on social media – all at a stretch and all in a day, and sometimes for days at length. I have no clue what I exactly did during those hours. But it felt good at the end! I have missed basic human needs – like food, sleep! I have missed paying bills (not taxes, Thankfully!), social appointments, pressing personal requests, urgent phone calls, work deadlines – All because I was hooked on social media. When I started using social media several years back, it was out of sheer curiosity. What started off as “Let me see what this beast is” quickly became “The beast controlled my priorities, my time, my life”.

But not anymore! And I’m thankful for that…  It took me a while to get here… But I succeeded..

Social media can be an addiction – like TV, or sports, or music, or dance, or alcohol, or art, or video games, or reading, or whatever else keeps you hooked.. It can slowly and steadily control your life, time and priorities..

But first? Why and how do people form addictions?  That is a interesting  topic in itself. I think there are plenty of reasons. From having lots of time, to lack of a purpose, to  lots of money, to lack of confidence, to a quest for doing nothing, to dealing with stress, crisis, emotional ups and downs, the good bad and ugly that life throws at you…. But most importantly, addictions are really about HABIT FORMATION.

Habits formed by repetition are hardest to change” BY Charles Duhigg [Book: The Power of Habit]

And I fully agree with the quote above. So, how did I go about my process of social media de-addiction? I have share a high level snapshot of what worked for me below. It took me about 6 months to get there, but totally worth it!  My greatest high was when I stayed away from social media for 5 days in a row! Trust me, it is possible and you will survive,and the world goes on (both the real-world and social media world).  And the good part was that I found time to revive several other old interests along the way – from running, to reading to creative art! So it’s all good now!

I hope it helps you or anyone else you know who is keen on embarking on this journey.

Social media de-addiction (4)





7 Digital Marketing FAQ’s from Entrepreneurs; Answered!

First published on INC42

Did you know that in the first quarter of 2015, Indian start-ups have raised $1.7 Bn from investors? Almost every other day a new start-up idea is funded. Click here to check the list of all funding and investments which happened in 2015. The sheer numbers, the ideas and innovations will blow your mind away! Interestingly, as I read through this list, I recognized that they were all pointed solutions to a specific customer need / problem area and as relevant to the Indian market. No dearth of problems, and no dearth of solutions!

The big question is who is investing in these ideas? Interestingly, I’ve read news of large Indian companies investing in start-ups. From Wipro which has ear-marked 100 Mn$ invest in start-ups to Infosys which has set aside 250Mn$ for start-up investments to Mr.Ratan Tata who is funding start-ups – It appears that Indian enterprises and business leaders are investing in start-ups. Whether it is purely a financial investment or a business decision to diversify the business portfolio or to be a part of the next big innovation – I can’t say for sure!

Not to mention, high net-worth individuals are also funding start-ups. From Bollywood celebrities (like Amitabh Bachchan’s investment in JustDial which grew 10K% times in value to Karisma Kapoor’s investment in BabyOyethere are umpteen examples of Bollywood stars who have invested in new start-ups. Even the premier management institutes like IIM’s (Indian Institute of Management) run contest to identify and fund new business ideas, and also provide mentorship and guidance for start-ups. Not to mention, that there are ample startup accelerators in India

See, here’s the thing | The Indian start-up community has never been more vibrant – with cool innovative ideas, big dreams, willingness to tread the uncharted waters and a thirst to be part the next BIG thing!

I can see flavors of this in my own personal and professional network. The number of entrepreneurs, mom-preneurs, ideapreneurs, intrapraneurs has increased significantly in the last 2-3 years. Since many of them know me personally, and know my experience / expertise in digital marketing – they ask me basic / complex questions. However if I look back – I see that 7 questions have been repeatedly asked by all of them – irrespective of age, business, industry, size / scale of operations.

In this post, I am answering those 7 questions for the benefit of any startup based on my experiences.

Question 1: Should I have a digital marketing strategy?

Answer : This depends completely on your overall marketing objectives, which should be directly linked to business objectives. Once you are convinced that digital marketing is indeed an important element of your overall marketing plan, spend time to understand how digital marketing works. This is the most important step for a fair chance of success. Go for formal (paid) learning programs or enroll for a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course). Attend webinars from experts on the topic.

Most importantly, be clear on how you will measure the ROI (Return on Investment) and success of your digital marketing initiatives.

Question 2 : What is the boundary between online, digital and social?

For ease of understanding, I have depicted it in the visual below:


Online Marketing examples include web-sites, blogs, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), online ads, e-mail marketing, blogs, twitter, online Press Release (PR), etc.

Social Media Marketing examples include leveraging social media platforms like Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn for your marketing and promotional activities

Offline Marketing examples include print ads, Press Release, Direct Mail, Telemarketing, etc.

Real-world Social Marketing refers to marketing through ‘real-world’ social interactions and conversations at events, word-of-mouth publicity, etc.

Question 3 : Digital / Social Media Marketing – What first and What second? Why?

Answer : It depends on your business, and your understanding of social and digital. I know of companies whose digital strategy drove their social media marketing strategies, and I know of companies whose social media strategy drove their digital initiatives. Suffice to say, the digital world and social world are closely coupled and if you do one, you (or / and the ecosystem you’re a part of – like partners, customers, community, suppliers) also make inroads into the other. In most cases, Social Media Marketing is typically a sub-set of Digital Marketing.

Question 4 : I hear a lot about ‘Content Marketing’. Should I even go there?

First, understand what is content, or more specifically what it ‘digital content’? It includes E-mail, digital notes, Website / Landing page, Presentations, Videos / Infomercials, Blogs, Whitepaper, Flyers, Infographics, Corporate Communication, Tweets, Case Studies / Testimonials, eBook, Books, Survey, Research Reports, Interviews / Q&A (Question and Answers), Press Release (PR), Status Updates (FaceBook, LinkedIn, Google+), Audio content / Podcasts, etc.

Content Marketing is leveraging the power of content to achieve whatever marketing objectives you set out with. These objectives can range from Brand Awareness to Lead generation to User / Customer engagement to Sales to Lead Nurturing to Social Advocacy to Professional Networking.

If you believe that content marketing can help you achieve your overall marketing objectives, go for it. Else, you might consider putting that time and money into something else.

The most important thing to understand about content marketing is that it takes time and focused efforts to yield results, and that it is an evolving journey. As your business grows and evolves, so will your content marketing strategy. If you don’t have a long term commitment and plan, you are better off not doing content marketing.

Question 4: Which social channels should I use? FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, ?

Answer: The choice of which social channels to use depends completely on your social media objectives and where your customers are. First, define who your customers are and their ‘customer personas’; and use the power of tools and technology to gather data and insights around which social channels they frequent. Don’t do Social because everyone is doing social and because it is the new buzzword. Do it because you believe it will add value to your business and marketing; and enable you to achieve your business objectives.

Question 6 : How exactly does Social Media work?

Answer: Based on the Karmic ways of the universe and life. Simply put, you get back what you give

Question 7 : Can any marketer do digital marketing? What are the key skills for success in digital marketing?

Answer :

Yes and No. Yes because anyone can learn digital marketing, if you are already a marketing professional it is easier. However, No because assuming that anyone with knowledge / experience in traditional marketing will be able to effectively do ‘digital marketing’ is a myth.

Broadly, I’d think below skills are of paramount importance for digital marketing

  • Storytelling
  • Visual Design
  • Creativity
  • Sharing as part of your DNA
  • Excellent articulation skills (especially written)
  • Understanding and usage of tools and technology – for digital marketing
  • Thirst for learning
  • Genuine love for the written word
  • Balanced and controlled (in thoughts and emotions) – because what you say or do in social media can make or break your brand value

Digital Marketing is an evolving and exciting space; and will continue to evolve. Everyone is learning, so be open to learning, failing and course-correction. That is the only way to succeed. A conscious and consistent effort to be clued and glued into the latest and greatest is critical to succeed.

Did I miss any question? Leave a comment, and I’ll be sure to respond.

Suggested Readings

Marketing Cheat-sheet | Blue-print from OBJECTIVES to PLAN

Essential Skills for the new age marketer

[FREE] Blogging Topics to last your business for 1 year


Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist / Byline in : Economic Times | Huffingtonpost | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”

The Art and Craft of Content

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to address a group of 100+ digital marketers on “The Art and Craft of content”. Personally, I enjoyed delivering the session as it was based on my personal journey and experiences as a “Content Crafter“. I received wonderful feedback for the session!

In this post, I am sharing the key messages that I delivered during the session:

Art and Craft of Content

What do you think? Leave a comment to let me know


Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist / Byline in : Economic Times | Huffingtonpost | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Top Marketing Blogs in India, Directory of Top Indian Blogs and Most Widely read Indian Bloggers, Alltop, Directory of Best Indian Blogs]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?

Video | The A to Z of Blogging

When I was born I did not know A to Z. Thanks to my parents and teachers, I learned. Now as a parent myself, as I’m teaching my kids A to Z, I wonder if there is an A to Z for blogging too! Surprisingly, I discovered YES!

In this post, I’ve tried to share my views on the A to Z of blogging using a video.

To view the video, click here

Please Note: This is the first time that I am creating a video. I hope you enjoy watching it! I know I enjoyed creating it!

Liked it? Leave a comment to let me know


Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist / Byline in : Economic Times | Huffingtonpost | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”

300+ years of women at work | What were her key career enablers?

Today is 8 March 2015. So Happy Women’s Day!

Anyone who reads me knows that women at work is a topic dear to me, and I hope my writings make a difference for the case and cause of women at work. Last year in 2014, I did a survey on women at work, and “women speaking to each other / sharing their stories” emerged as one of the top points on how women can support the case and cause of women at work.

As I looked in my network (real / virtual), I recognized that I knew several amazing women at work who were doing their bit and best to make it work every single day – with their grand dreams, grit, hard work, perseverance, focus and intelligence. So I thought “Why not capture the collective experiences and wisdom from these diverse women at different phases and stages of career and life?

So I connected with each of them and asked “What were the key enablers which made a difference in her life as a woman at work?” . Every single one gladly obliged to share her views and perspectives. So to all you wonderful women who feature below, Thanks for sharing parts and pieces of your life. I’m hoping it will help, enable and equip some woman somewhere in her career path.

Personally doing this exercise has take significant time and effort, but has been rewarding since I recognize that just getting diverse views and perspectives on the same question can be such a delightful and insightful read.

I’ll take-away a few insights beyond what is shared below:

1) For a woman to start and keep her career, the family / environment / ecosystem plays a very important role. So if you are a woman at work, say Thank You today to all those who made it happen. And if have a daughter, recognize the importance of your role and play the part!

2) Enablers are very different for women based on the stage and phase of life (single, married, mother, etc) they are in. So if you are a woman, acknowledge that the key enablers will change significantly based on your phase, stage, choices and context in life

3) In general, women at work are open to speak, willing to share and happy to contribute to the case and cause of women at work. So that is heart-warming, and I’m hoping it will get better from here. So if you are a woman at work, don’t miss any opportunity to share the nuggets and factoids of your career journey. You don’t know whom it can help and how, but makes a difference in the long run

Just one request – read / view on; and spread the piece. One share on Women’s Day for the case and cause of women at work is all I’m asking! Thanks again

Nischala IWD Final 1
Nischala IWD Final 2

Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist : Huffingtonpost | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes 20 Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”

Why should “SHE” work?

So the question is “Why should “SHE” work?” Important question, and the answer is probably more important.

Why she should work

Why do you think SHE should work? Leave a comment to let me know.

Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist : Huffingtonpost | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Most Loved posts on Women At Work
My Secret Wishlist for my girls
What I wish all women understood at the start of their corporate careers?
Productivity Lessons for Women At Work from Ants
Will you let her fly?

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”

Infographic | Words that get shared most on Social Media

[Src: https://steintutors.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/07922d9b967eaf24c6fdb3c1e438b566.jpg%5D
Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist : Huffingtonpost India | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes 20 Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Mention in | “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Mention in | “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in | “Are entrepreneurs born or made?

Infographic | Do’s and Don’t of Content Marketing

Every one wants to know if there are specific DO’s and DONT’s of content marketing. Some we learn by trial-and-error, some by experience.. and some we never learn.

Sharing below an infographic

Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist : Huffingtonpost India | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes 20 Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”

Infographic | 5 core elements of online content marketing

Though dated 2012, I found the below infographic a good resource on what are the core elements of online content marketing.

[Src: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/222294931583090603/ ]

Connect with me on Nischala’s Social World
Columnist : Huffingtonpost India | Business2Community | WomensWeb | Sheroes India | PeopleMatters | YoWoTo | 12Most.com | Parentous
Blog : Nischala’s Space, Thoughts, Expressions [Featured in Directory of Best Indian Blogs, Alltop]
Twitter : @nimu9 [Featured among Sheroes 20 Must Follow Indian Women on Twitter (2014) , 50 Indian Women to follow on Twitter(2012)]

Interviews and Media Mentions
Newspaper Interview | Twittering Heights (Deccan Chronicle, 2015)
Quoted in “Open Letter to Women looking for job
Quoted in “The Best Advice you’ll receive as young women starting your careers
Interview | My blogging journey – How it came to be?
Interview | A wise Blogger
Interview | Secrets to Successful Blogging
Quoted in “Are entrepreneurs born or made?”